Fair shea

Advocacy Meeting

Advocacy Meeting Report In Malshegu Community

As part of efforts towards empowering women in the Shea sector, the Fair Shea team on the 07 January, 2022 held two (2) advocacy meetings with Chiefs and opinion leaders as well as women shea butter processors. The meetings took place in the Malshegu community located within the Sagnarigu District of the Northern region.The first meeting had 30 men in attendance. They included:
  1. The Malshegu Chief
  2. Sub-chiefs
  3. Opinion/Religious Leaders
  4. Husbands/Partners of the women
The main concerns raised by the chief are the lack of:
  1. Fair market prices
  2. Ready market and
  3. Prompt payments after the women produce the Shea butter.
He expressed his excitement about the prospects the Fair Shea project can potentially have on the community. He expressed his absolute support for the organization.Other concern which was raised by the men was the fact that the program is being solely targetted at the women.The Fair shea team encouraged the men to throw their support behind their wives and the organization to ensure the community sees a boost in Shea butter production, while their wives also start living in dignity through fair remuneration from their business activities.The second meeting with the women had 23 women shea butter producers including the Assembly Woman of the community. The discussion held was mainly about their needs which included;
  1. Ready market after production
  2. Mechanical mode of production (Mechanized Shea processing plant).
  3. Reliable water supply.
  4. Silo for the storage of shea nuts
  5. A Training centre and
  6. A Production canter
The Fair Shea team informed the women about the nature of the project which is to see to it that they take charge of their own lives and livelihood while ensuring rapid development in the community. The organization among other things wants the women to receive fair market value for their products through fair trade while also enhancing their skill in value addition organic products, environmental consciousness, communication, leadership, organizational and financial literacy. All these the organization believes will elevate their status at home and in the community.The announcement of a mechanised production centre to be the first of the solution package the team had was met with a big applause and excitement.The meeting ended with words of appreciation from both the women and the Fair Shea team.

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