Activity Report
Name of Project: Sanitation and Hygiene
Activity Title: Medical Health Screening
Date: 14th May, 2022.
Time: 9am
Venue: Malshegu
As Mahatma Gandhi stated, “It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”. As such, Fair Shea in collaboration with Ghana Health Service organized a Medical Health Screening in the Malshegu community as part of its corporate social responsibility towards the health of our beneficiaries. The screening was carried out as a gateway to assuring our beneficiaries that, not only is the organization looking to equip them with knowledge and skills, but also to prioritize their health as well. As such, it is important for them to replicate that by prioritizing hygiene in their homes, workplaces and community. Screening was done for Hepatits B, blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases as well as ovarian and cervical cancer.
Present at the event was the Assembly woman of the Malshegu community Ms. Bibiana Wumpini, representatives of the Chief and elders of Malshegu community and its environs, television and radio stations as well as representatives of health organizations. The medical screening started with a thorough education by Abu Seidu, a medical laboratory scientist from the Bill Clinical Laboratories and Tamale Central Hospital on the need to regularly check in at a clinic or hospital for checkup. This he said helps to detect medical issues early enough for the needed care and treatment to be given as this can avert likely serious complications and high cost of treatment in future.

The project field officer, Hairiya, also emphasized on the need for them to do their best to take the second and third doses of the hepatitis B vaccine as the organization is taking full care of all the costs.
Overall, 216 members were screened. There were about 40 confirmed cases of various medical conditions some of which needed immediate medical care. The organization is therefore working frantically to raise funds to provide medical insurance to all its beneficiaries so that those who need immediate care can commence treatment and care.
Our beneficiaries and the community members expressed their gratitude to Fair Shea for the initiative and wished to see more of such within their community as this happened to be the very first time something as important as this had taken place.
The team from Fair Shea also thanked the community for welcoming us with open hands and pledged our willingness to have this exercise done on a regular base to cover more people and communities within the region.
The organization is expected to have two more vaccination exercises in the months of June and July 2022 to ensure complete doses of hepatitis B vaccination is given to all who took the first vaccinations.